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Swimmingpool as Aquatic Gym

Dry Gyms

You may have been to a gym or fitness centre and spent good money on monotonous repetitive exercises. If you simply flap your arms about you may gain some extra muscle after a long time. You could use some weights to get faster results. Increase the weights over time and your results get better, until you get injured or terminally bored.

Alternative to Gyms

Swimming pools are a safe alternative to repetitive gym training with less risk of muscle injury. You can adapt a variety of gym exercises for use in the pool, using the weight and drag resistance of clothing layers in the water instead of gym weights. This spreads the load more evenly over your body. It is a bit like weight lifting, you can just go up or down a notch by adding or removing a clothing layer. Adjust your kit to suit your fitness level.


Aqua aerobics is the best way to get a fit body from a fat one. Obviously no one wants a fat body. Everyone wants a beautiful and healthy body.

You know these all boring gym exercises and the slow motion yoga classes. Oh plz. You probably prefer the aerobics with the loud music. Oh yes!!!! This is all you want.

Aquarobics is aerobic exercise in the water. It involves similar movements, same loud music, same sexy clothes, just all in a warm swimming pool.

If you’re performing an activity that causes you to sweat and breathe hard, that makes your blood pump through your arteries as it carries oxygen to your muscles to keep you going, then you’re engaging in aerobic exercise.


Aquarobics will help you to reduce your waist line and then your body weight. It improves your circulation and helps your body use oxygen better. Increases energy and endurance, which means you can workout longer without getting tired.

Helps reduce the risk of developing heart disease.
Helps reduce the risk of developing diabetes.
Helps you reach and maintain a healthy weight.
Helps reduce stress, tension, anxiety and depression.
Improves sleep.


For those who know swimming, it can prove to be an ideal aerobic exercise. Swimming does not cause much stress or strain to the joints of the body, making it really enjoying and entertaining. Laps prove to be a great way to burn the extra calories. Also, it can be the best way to beat the heat.

One More Thing

One thing to keep in mind during aerobics:

In the beginning for one or two weeks you may feel some body ache. After that you will feel energy within you and if body ache continues then you are doing it in a wrong manner so consult a trainer for proper instructions. Practice regularly to get stronger and enhance your motor coordination and feeling for the water.

Aquatic Gym Routine

If your training involves swimming in clothes, you may find the following routine helpful.

Fresh Clothes

Change into fresh swimming clothes on-site. They must be clean and colour-fast and should consist of "man-made" fibres that don't leak dye. The material has to be in good condition, not fraying or shedding fluff which could block the pool filters.

Go through the showers in these clothes before entering the pool. Make sure you rinse and soak them well. Dry spots show the pool staff that you haven't taken a proper shower. Besides, it's great fun.

Pool Safety

Pick up right away any clothes you may drop to the pool bottom, as they may confuse the lifeguards. Large items of clothing floating in the pool can be mistaken as casualties and are also a hindrance for swimmers. Move any clothes you currently don't need for your training to a safe place on the pool side, out the the way of other pool users.

Clothing Layers Instead of Gym Weights

It is a bit like weight lifting. Clothing layers instead of gym weights spread the load more evenly over your body. You can go up or down a notch by adding or removing a clothing layer. Adjust your clothes to suit your fitness level.

A full body swimsuit reduces muscle vibration which leads to a better workout. Optionally, you may want a thin unlined nylon anorak that increases the resistance of your moves in the water and the load on your muscles for more strength building.

anorak pool
anorak pool

Hoodies and jogging suits soak up a lot of water which adds weight to your workout. You can adapt a variety of fitness exercises for use in the pool, using the weight and drag resistance of clothing the water instead of gym weights. The more clothes you wear the harder and better your exercise.

anorak pool
anorak pool

Shallow Water Workout

Here is a daily workout some lifeguards complete in shallow water or on poolside for 20 to 40 minutes. Swim a few lengths between each exercise.

Push Ups in Shallow Water: Facing down, put your hands on the floor in a wide position and straighten your legs. With your heels together, push up with your arms and go back down into the water. Repeat.

Mountain Climber: Facing down, put your hands on the floor shoulder-length apart with your legs bent and heels together. Jump one leg forward and the other back. Do the same thing with the alternate leg. Repeat.

Bends and Thrusts or Squat Thrusts: From a standing position, squat down and put your hands on the floor shoulder-length apart. Kick both of your legs out and land them with the heels together. Kick your legs back to the squatting position and stand up. Repeat.

Leg Lifts: Lie down in the shallow water with a flat back and lift both legs with the heels together as high as possible. Repeat.

Flutter Kicks: Lie down with a flat back and lift one leg six inches high and do the same with the alternate leg. Repeat.

Crunches: Lie down on the floor with a flat back. Bend the legs and keep them shoulder-length apart. Cross your arms. Without moving your legs, lift your upper body up and stop before the elbows touch the knees. Recline back down and submerge. Repeat.

Take a Shower Before and After Exercise

There's a good reason to shower in your kit after gym class, swimming or other sports. As any parent who's washed a child's dirty gym clothes knows, those clothes can be hazardous to your health. But it's not just the smell that can do you in.

Sweaty sports clothes are a prime breeding ground for bacteria and funghi. The warm, moist clothes create a perfect environment for germs to grow, and those germs can make you sick. When athletes get sick repeatedly, the best advice is to take a shower in their kit right after exercise and then change into fresh clothes.

Rinse out Salt, Sweat and Chlorine

Salt, sweat or chlorine can rot your kit. If you have the chance, take a shower in your exercise or swimming clothes after a workout or swim, even if that option isn't popular among other people around you. Shampoo your hair and clothes.

When you take shower after your swim keep your clothes on. Take off any waterproofs after a while and rinse them from the inside. Don't leave any heaps which could create an obstacle.

Then hang your clothes out to dry. Don't leave damp or sweaty clothes in your locker until they can practically walk home by themselves. Wear clean clothes for your next workout or swim. That advice applies to anyone who gets wet, hot or sweaty.

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